December 2021

(ES) Artículo de Eduardo Anitua en el número de diciembre de Gaceta Dental

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December 2021

(ES) Artículo de Eduardo Anitua en el número de diciembre de Maxillaris

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November 2021

(ES) Artículo de Eduardo Anitua en el número de noviembre/diciembre de Dentista Moderno

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October 2021

(ES) Eduardo Anitua en SEPES 2021

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October 2021

(ES) Eduardo Anitua en el Ekin Day 2021 (Álava Emprende)

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October 2021

(ES) Eduardo Anitua, Premio Nacional de Innovación 2021

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September 2021

(ES) Eduardo Anitua, Premio Especial Gaceta Dental 2021

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August 2021

(ES) Eduardo Anitua, entrevistado en Radio Vitoria Gaur Actualidad

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June 2021

(ES) Eduardo Anitua, entrevistado en Radio Vitoria

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June 2021

(ES) Artículo de Eduardo Anitua en el número de junio de Gaceta Dental

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June 2021

(ES) Artículo de Eduardo Anitua en el número de mayo/junio de Dentista Moderno

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April 2021

Plasma rich in growth factors and fertility treatments in the El Correo Health Special

From the hand of Dr. Eduardo Anitua, the latest Health supplement from El Correo reviews the different therapeutic applications of PRGF, highlighting its recent application in the area of assisted reproduction to increase pregnancy rates in patients with embryo implantation problems.

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March 2021

Stanford University places Dr. Eduardo Anitua in its ranking as the most influential Spanish researcher in the world of Dentistry

This list identifies the top 2% of the most cited and influential researchers in the world according to their scientific career.

Vitoria, 10th of March, 2021.. Doctor Eduardo Anitua, scientific director of the BTI Biotechnology Institute company, came out top of the list of Spanish researchers in the dental sector who feature in the ranking of the most relevant scientists in the world (Ranking of the World Scientists: World’s Top 2% Scientists), one of the most prestigious rankings of researchers at an international level, recognising these scientists as the most influential and cited in the world.

The ranking, put together recently by the University of Stanford and published in the Plos Biology journal, is based on several parameters that include the number of publications indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus database, citations received, h-index, works co-authored and a composite indicator (Score). As a result, a database of over 150,000 top scientists across various fields of knowledge has been created, representing 2% of the most important researchers out of a total of almost 7 million active scientists all around the world.

Specifically, in the area of Dentistry, it identifies 1,237 researchers in the world. Topping the Spanish list is Dr. Eduardo Anitua, who also figures prominently in the world ranking, in position number 62.

For doctor Eduardo Anitua, founder and scientific director at BTI, "featuring among the most cited researchers in the world is a significant international acknowledgement of the scientific quality of our work and encourages us to continue moving forward on the path that we embarked upon over 30 years ago”.

Spanish Scientist Top List in Odontology

Researcher Research Center #Pubs Score World Ranking
Eduardo Anitua BTI
Biotechnology Institute
241 4,0388397 62
Mariano Sanz Univ. Complutense 306 3,7541694 218
David Herrera Univ. Complutense 137 3,3328979 809
Cosme Gay-Escoda Univ. de Barcelona 280 3,2869952 912
Manuel Toledano Univ. de Granada 228 3,2866219 913
Jose Bagán Univ. de Valencia 230 3,2603692 986
Miguel Á. González-Moles Univ. de Granada 108 3,2391993 1053


In the radio (Spanish)


Digital Press
La Razón Redacción Médica Acta Sanitaria
Consejo de Dentistas Gaceta Dental El Dentista Moderno
Odontología 33 Dentista en tu ciudad El Correo
Noticias de Álava Dentista Moderno Gaceta Dental
Nortexpress iSanidad Crónica Vasca
Onda Cero Dentista Moderno Odontología 33
Gasteiz Hoy Álava Directo Asebio



Written Press (Spanish)

NdP – Eduardo Anitua investigador español más influyente en Odontología según ranking Universidad Stanford

Siete odontólogos espanoles entre los científicos más influyentes a nivel internacional

Anitua, el investigador español más influyente en odontología para la Universidad de Stanford – El Correo

Eduardo Anitua, investigador español más influyente del mundo – Labor Dental

¿Quiénes son los odontólogos más influyentes del mundo?

Sin complejos – Gaceta Dental

La odontología ha marcado un camino a seguir para otras especialidades médicas – Maxillaris

Siete odontólogos españoles entre los científicos más influyentes a nivel internacional – Maxillaris

Los “7 samuráis” de la investigación odontológica en España

March 2021

Article by Eduardo Anitua in the March issue of “Dentista Moderno”

Dr. Eduardo Anitua signs the article “Influencia de la proporción corona-implante en la carga inmediata unitaria en implantes extra-cortos de 6,5 mm de longitud. Serie de casos”, published in number 57 (March) of the journal El Dentista Moderno.

The article explains how the immediate loading of short and extra-short implants is being included in the therapeutic protocols in oral implantology, giving way to a new range of possibilities when it comes to restoring the atrophic maxilla. The problem of the unfavorable crown-implant ratio has been studied in different works on short and extra-short implants because they are used to rehabilitate large vertical atrophies and this generally generates large crowns on short implants. This disproportion may be more critical in protocols such as immediate loading and for this reason this topic is investigated in the present work. This study, in which several clinical cases were analyzed, concludes that the immediate unit load in implants of 6.5 mm in length by means of unit transepithelial and the use of interfaces is not a risk factor for generating greater bone loss or implant failure, even in cases of unfavorable crown-implant ratio or increased CHS.

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March 2021

New article by Eduardo Anitua in the March issue of Maxillaris

The article shows how short (≤ 8 mm) and extra-short (≤ 5.5 mm) implants have reached dentistry to provide a solution to vertical atrophies in a minimally invasive way with higher predictability rates than bone augmentation techniques and to insertion of implants of “conventional” length. Even so, there are some occasions where residual bone volume is so limited that extra-short implants cannot be inserted directly. In these cases, these implants must be used with other accessory techniques (vertical growth, union to bone graft, sinus lift), which increases the invasiveness and morbidity of the cases, losing part of the advantages attributed to short implants. and extra short. As a result of this need to achieve a minimally invasive approach in cases of greater bone resorption, extra-short implants of less than 5 mm are born. Within this group of implants we can also find implants smaller than 5 mm that make up the group of extra-short implants, opening the range of possibilities for the treatment of severe atrophies in height, generating a new approach when facing the more complex cases. These implants can even be placed supracrestally, becoming an option for cases of atrophy up to 3 mm in height.

In the present work, a clinical case treated with implants of 4.5 mm in length is shown, describing the technique for their insertion and rehabilitation in a predictable way.

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February 2021

Eduardo Anitua in Silvia Leal’s “Trends” podcast

Dr. Anitua has participated in the podcast series “Trends”, a project by Silvia Leal together with BCC Digital. These are several programs on future trends and technology that will address issues related to digital transformation, science, culture and employment.

Experts from different fields participate in each of the podcasts that make up the series who, with their testimony, will help us understand how technology is changing (and will change even more) our way of being, living and doing business.

The project will be presented this Thursday, February 18 at 6:00 p.m. in

February 2021

Eduardo Anitua, premio al mejor caso clínico en la revista Científica Dental del COEM 2020

Dr. Eduardo Anitua has been awarded the award for the best clinical case published in the Científica Dental journal, edited by the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the First Region (COEM).

The award has been given within the framework of the commemorative acts of the festivity of Santa Apolonia. The award-winning article, “Approach to the atrophic posterior maxilla: sinus lift by lateral approach vs. extra-short implants. Clinical case with eight years of follow-up ”, is published in number 1 of volume 17 of the journal (January-April 2020).

More information

Online event Santa Apolonia 2021

COEM award Diploma – Dr. Eduardo Anitua

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February 2021

Eduardo Anitua teaches us to breathe better on Radio Vitoria

Dr. Anitua has participated in a Radio Vitoria interview on breathing. In it, Anitua presents various recommendations to learn to breathe better, a very serious subject, approached in this case with the great sense of humor of the journalist Roberto Flores.

More information in Radio Vitoria

January 2021

Article by Eduardo Anitua in the January issue of Gaceta Dental

Dr. Eduardo Anitua signs the article “4.5 mm long implants for the direct rehabilitation of extreme vertical atrophies”, published in the Science and Clinic section of the January issue of Gaceta Dental magazine.

The article shows how short implants are already one more of the atrophic maxilla rehabilitation techniques that can be considered “routine”, being a minimally invasive option and with survival figures of around 99%. With these implants it is possible to rehabilitate posterior sectors with vertical atrophy in both the maxilla and the mandible.

Even so, there are cases with extreme atrophy, where the residual bone volume does not allow the direct insertion of extra-short implants, nor those of shorter length (5.5 mm). For these situations, the best option described in the literature is bone augmentation using different regeneration techniques (block grafts, distraction, and mainly guided bone regeneration).

To solve these situations in a minimally invasive way, implants of 4 and 4.5 mm in length are born. With this new length, new challenges can be faced in the mandible and maxilla with a residual bone height of less than 5 mm without the need to apply accessory techniques. In the present clinical case, a minimally invasive approach to a posterior mandibular sector with 5.5 and 4.5 mm implants is shown.

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