September 16, 2011, the prestigious journal “DIARIO MÉDICO” published an article about the work done by Dr. Eduardo Anitua and his research team at BTI Biotechnology Institute in the field of regenerative medicine, more specifically on Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF®-Endoret®).
This technique makes it possible to utilize the body’s own resources to achieve excellent results in a large number of conditions through tissue regeneration, without side effects and reducing considerably the recovery time of fractures, muscle and tendon injuries, and surgical interventions.
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September 2011
The Journal DIARIO MEDICO publishes an article on PRGF® Endoret® technology
September 16, 2011, the prestigious journal “DIARIO MÉDICO” published an article about the work done by Dr. Eduardo Anitua and his research team at BTI Biotechnology Institute in the field of regenerative medicine, more specifically on Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF®-Endoret®).
This technique makes it possible to utilize the body’s own resources to achieve excellent results in a large number of conditions through tissue regeneration, without side effects and reducing considerably the recovery time of fractures, muscle and tendon injuries, and surgical interventions.
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