(ES) Dentista Moderno publica un artículo de Eduardo Anitua sobre el tratamiento del Liquen Oral Plano con PRGF
November 2017
Eduardo Anitua in the Bioaraba Research Conference
Dr. Eduardo Anitua has participated this November 8 in the XVIII Research Days organized by Bioaraba, leading a table on Regenerative Medicine in the Europa Congress Palace of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Aimed at people who research in biosciences and health in Álava and the general public, the main objective of these conferences is to provide a forum for meeting those who develop their research activity at OSI Araba, the University of the Basque Country, the Lascaray Research Center, Bioaraba, R & D & I health specialized companies and citizenship.
November 2017
Short Implants, new book by Dr. Eduardo Anitua
Dr. Eduardo Anitua presented his new book entitled “Implants Short” at the BTI Day. In this book, dedicated exclusively to short implants, all the necessary subjects for its use in daily clinical practice are addressed.
In it you can find biomechanical information on the behavior of these implants, the importance of their surface, concepts on specific patterns of milling for its insertion and a summary of the way of elaboration of the prosthesis on implants. In addition, specific and novel techniques for the treatment of vertical atrophy in the maxilla and mandible are detailed.
October 2017
The Eduardo Anitua Foundation joins the UPV / EHU as a University Institute
The rector of the University of the Basque Country, Nekane Balluerka, and the president of the Eduardo Anitua Foundation, have signed on October 4 the agreement that officially links both entities.
The event took place at the headquarters of the Eduardo Anitua Foundation for Biomedical Research and was attended by UPV / EHU Rector Nekane Balluerka and the Foundation’s President Eduardo Anitua. In this way, the research entity becomes a university research institute under the denomination University Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Oral Implantology – UIRMI (UPV / EHU – Eduardo Anitua Foundation).
The news in the media: | ||
Noticias de Álava | Gasteiz Hoy | ABC.es |
El Correo | Noticias de Álava | Deia |
EHU.es | EiTB | El Economista |
Estrategia.net | Parke.eus | El Dentista Moderno |
Maxillaris |
September 2017
Lectures by Eduardo Anitua in the United States and Japan
Last week Dr. Eduardo Anitua has given several lectures in the United States and Japan. At the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Periodontology, held in Boston, and in the Boston University offered the conference “Use of tissue engineering for regeneration”. From Boston he moved to Japan, where he offered several lectures in the framework of the BTI DAY Japan, held at the Spanish embassy in Tokyo.
September 2017
Maxillaris publishes Dr. Anitua’s presentation on the Maxillaris Day
The dental magazine Maxillaris has published in the section “Science and Practice” of its September issue, a summary of the lecture “Tratamiento del alveolo posextracción” presented by Dr. Eduardo Anitua on the Maxillaris Day.
[ See content on PDF]September 2017
BTI in the Congress FDI 2017 in Madrid
BTI has been present at the FDI World Dental Congress, held in Madrid from 29 August to 1 September. During the congress the latest news and products of BTI have been presented to the international dental community.
Also, within the scientific program of the congress, Dr. Eduardo Anitua presented the paper "Tratamiento biológico del alveolo: el por qué y el cómo", which was attended by a large audience. Also worthy of mention are the visits to the BTI booth by the Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality, Dolors Montserrat, and the Directorate of the General Council of Dentists, with its President Óscar Castro at the helm.
August 2017
Eduardo Anitua interviewed in the RNE radio programme “España vuelta y vuelta”
Dr. Eduardo Anitua has been interviewed by journalist Manolo HH in the Radio Nacional de España programme “España vuelta y vuelta”. Among other topics, the R & D model developed by BTI has been addressed, which has allowed it to be the biotech company with the highest scientific production in Spain for the second consecutive year.
August 2017
Interview with Eduardo Anitua in Vozpópuli
Dr. Eduardo Anitua has been interviewed in the digital media Vozpópuli on the publication of the Asebio 2016 Report, which indicates BTI as the company with the highest scientific production in Spain for the second consecutive year. The interview includes, among other subjects, the history and trajectory of BTI, its molding of R & D, or its internationalization process.
July 2017
Article by Eduardo Anitua in the “Special Implants” issue of Dental Gazette
Dr. Anitua signs the article “Vertical growth around extra-short implants,” published in the “Special Implants” issue in July of the journal Gaceta Dental.
The news in the media |
Gaceta Dental |
June 2017
(ES) Entrevista a Eduardo Anitua en Fitness Revolucionario Radio
June 2017
BTI sponsors the Mars Gaming Northabout Expedition to the Arctic
Driven by British explorer David Hempleman-Adams, the Mars Gaming Northabout Expedition is a cultural and travel initiative that seeks to raise awareness of the need to combat climate change.
To this end, a team of specialists in various disciplines, several belonging to the Geographic Society “La Exploradora de Vitoria”, will travel on the Northabout sailing boat, trying to reach latitudes never before achieved by a ship of this nature and documenting the impact of warming On the ecosystems and the life of the Inuit.
The trip will begin on July 14, and the expedition will be completed by the Victorians Miguel Gutiérrez-Garitano, historian and explorer (expedition director), doctor of the expedition María Valencia Basaldua and photographer Rafael Gutiérrez-Garitano, all of them with wide experience in expeditions and exploration trips.
[ See content on PDF]June 2017
Article of Eduardo Anitua in the “Implants- Special Issue” of Maxillaris magazine
Dr Eduardo Anitua signs the article “Split Technique in two phases with transitional implants for the rehabilitation of alveolar ridge with strict horizontal reabsorption. Retrospective study”, published in the section Science and Practice of Nr. 210 “Implants-Special Issue” of Maxillaris magazine.
[ See content on PDF]June 2017
Eduardo Anitua takes part in the XX International Course in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, held by Clinica Planas
Dr Eduardo Anitua has given a conference about the applications of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors in esthetics medicine, in the setting of the XX International Course of Plastic Surgery and Esthetics that has been held in the Auditorium Jaime Planas in Barcelona from 7th to 9 June 2017. After the conference, Dr Anitua has been interviewed by Dr. Jorge Planas, director of the course, for the section of Clínica Planas in La Vanguardia.
The news in the media: | ||
La Vanguardia |
June 2017
Eduardo Anitua at Maxillaris Day
Dr. Eduardo Anitua participates this 9 of June in the Maxillaris Day as speaker of SEPES, with the conference "Post-extraction socket treatment in aesthetic zone".
The day "MAXILLARIS Day. New Horizons in Science and Technology ", organized by Maxillaris magazine, will be the meeting point between Science (with SEPES, SECIB, SECOM, SEI, AEDE and SELO), Industry, readers of the magazine and, Formation as link.
The news in the media |
Maxillaris |
May 2017
(ES) La Universidad de Granada y la Fundación Eduardo Anitua firman el convenio para la creación de la Cátedra BTI
May 2017
Recognition of Eduardo Anitua as patron of Tecnalia Foundation
Tecnalia Research and Technological Development Center has awarded Dr. Eduardo Anitua the Gold Badge in recognition of his work as the patron of the Tecnalia Foundation. The delivery took place in the framework of the V Forum “Perspectives” on Industry and Technology, held in Vitoria.
May 2017
Eduardo Anitua participates in the Global Innovation Day
Dr. Eduardo Anitua has participated in the sixth edition of Global Innovation Day, the great event of Basque innovation organized by the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque. The Basque Country regional president, Iñigo Urkullu, was in charge of opening the tenth General Assembly of Innobasque and this new edition of Global Innovation Day, held in the Euskalduna Palace of Bilbao, which involved more than 2,000 people.
[ See content on PDF]May 2017
Eduardo Anitua participates in the GAC Forum for Innovation
Dr. Anitua will participate on May 18 at the GAC Forum for Innovation. Under the motto “Strategic Priorities for the Future”, the forum will feature speakers from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, regional governments and corporations, along with other leaders of companies with a high R & D & I component, as well as The assistance of a high representative of the European Union in research and development.
April 2017
Gaceta Dental publishes an article by Dr. Eduardo Anitua in its April issue
Eduardo Anitua signs the article “Immediate load on short and extra-short implants”, published in the “Clinical Case” section of the April issue of Gaceta Dental magazine.
[ See content on PDF]April 2017
The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology publishes an article on the treatment of Lichen Planus with Plasma Rich in Growth Factors
The prestigious American Journal of Clinical Dermatology has published the article “Biological Therapy of Refractory Ulcerative Oral Lichen Planus with Plasma Rich in Growth Factors”. The work is signed by researchers Laura Piñas, Mohammad Hamdan Alkhraisat, Ricardo Suarez Fernandez and Eduardo Anitua.
April 2017
Clinical articles by Eduardo Anitua in international journals
International journals EDI Journal and Balkan Journal of Dental Medicine have published two clinical articles by Dr. Eduardo Anitua.
The first one has published the article “Narrow-Diameter Implants in Premolar and Molar Areas”, about narrow implants for later sectors. The second has published the article “Treatment of Biphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ) Combining Surgical Resection and PRGF-Endoret® and Rehabilitation with Dental Implants: Case Report”, which addresses the treatment of bisphosphonate necrosis with PRGF.
Dr. Eduardo Anitua – EDI Journal
Dr- Eduardo Anitua – Balkan Dental Magazine
March 2017
Conference of Joaquín Durán and Eduardo Anitua about sleep and health in the House of Culture Ignacio Aldecoa
Drs. Joaquín Durán and Eduardo Anitua gave last Thursday, March 9th the presentation “Buen sueño, mejor salud. La sorprendente relación entre el sueño y los dientes”, at “Casa de Cultura Ignacio Aldecoa” of Vitoria. The conference exposed in a simple and accessible tone many of the keys to the relationship between sleep and health. The event arrives in time for the celebration of World Sleep Day, which will be held on 17 March.
[ See content on PDF]March 2017
The management of the Network of Technology Parks of Euskadi visits BTI
Itziar Epalza, President of the Network of Technology Parks of Euskadi, visited the BTI facilities together with the Deputy Director and Technical Director of the Technology Park of Álava. Accompanied by Dr. Eduardo Anitua, during the visit they have toured both the research, clinical and teaching facilities of the BTI headquarters in Armentia, as well as engineering and production facilities in Miñano.
February 2017
Dentista Moderno publishes an article written by Dr. Eduardo Anitua in the January/February issue of the dental magazine
Eduardo Anitua signs the article “Extra-short implants and transcrestal sinus augmentation in the rehabilitation of severe atrophy of the posterior maxilla (residual bone height < 5 mm)”, in the June/July issue of the dental magazine Dentista Moderno.
[ See content on PDF]February 2017
Eduardo Anitua, award to the best scientific article in the magazine Dental Scientific of COEM
Dr. Eduardo Anitua has been awarded with the recognition for the best scientific article published in the magazine Dental Scientific, published by the Oficial Council of Odontologists and Stomatologists of the First Region in Spain (COEM).
The award has been presented in the headquarters of COEM, in the setting of the conmemorative events of the festivity of Saint Apolonia. The prize-winning article, “Use of Endoret (PRGF – Platelet Rich in Growth Factor) in the post-extraction socket, has been published in the Issue Nr. 2 of the volume 13 of the magazine (Issue of may-june-july-august 2016).
[ See content on PDF]February 2017
(ES) Artículo de Eduardo Anitua en la revista italiana Il Dentista Moderno
February 2017
The management of the College of Physicians of Álava visits BTI
The Board of Directors of the Official Medical Association of Álava (ICOMA) visited the BTI facilities. Drs. Kepa Urigoitia (President of ICOMA), Miguel Gutiérrez (Vice President), Alberto López de Ocáriz (Deputy Secretary and Treasurer), José Delpón (Vocal) and Merche Salazar (Vocal), accompanied by Dr. Eduardo Anitua, have visited the research, clinical and teaching facilities of the BTI headquarters in Armentia.
February 2017
(ES) Eduardo Anitua colabora en la campaña solidaria de Ecovidrio y El Correo en favor de Save the Children
January 2017
Doctor Eduardo Anitua receives a recognition from Óscar Castro
The executive comittee of Spanish General Council of Dentists, with his president, Óscar Castro, have visited BTI facilities and the Foundation Eduardo Anitua in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The president of this organization has been acompannied by the three top representatives of the Basque profesional councils: Carmen Mozas, president of Council of Dentists in Alava, Tomás Gastaminza, president of Council of Dentists in Gipuzkoa and José Manuel Fika, president of Council of Dentists in Bizkaia.
After covering the research and training facilities of the center, it has taken place an act in which Óscar Castro has given a recognition to Doctor Eduardo Anitua for his collaboration and support to Spanish General Council of Dentists.
[ See content on PDF]January 2017
Eduardo Anitua and BTI DAY Porto in the Portuguese magazine Jornal Dentistry
The Portuguese dental magazine Jornal Dentistry has published a report in which is reflected the celebration of BTI DAY that has been held in Porto, along with an interview with Dr Eduardo Anitua in which he analizes the scientific day.
[ See content on PDF]
December 2017
(ES) Eduardo Anitua en la Guía de Innovación de Estrategia Empresarial