Get to Know Me


When anyone asks me why I spend part of my time in research, I always reply that I am lucky to be able to develop and focus my creative capacity within my profession. This is a privilege I enjoy, that motivates me and creates a positive feedback loop.

I am a Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, and a Stomatology specialist; I also direct a laboratory with 50 researchers. I love my profession, although the work pace (having to combine these two professional facets) is usually frenetic. That is why I live day by day, traveling light and deeply motivated to make a little bit better.

I work in Vitoria, the place I was born and where I live with my family Scientific dissemination requires me to travel all over the world and give me the opportunity to share what is good about Vitoria with the participants of the courses and conferences I give. I like everyone to know that Vitoria is a friendly city to come and enjoy a few days of scientific holidays.