The Eduardo Anitua Foundation joins the UPV / EHU as a University Institute

The rector of the University of the Basque Country, Nekane Balluerka, and the president of the Eduardo Anitua Foundation, have signed on October 4 the agreement that officially links both entities.

The event took place at the headquarters of the Eduardo Anitua Foundation for Biomedical Research and was attended by UPV / EHU Rector Nekane Balluerka and the Foundation’s President Eduardo Anitua. In this way, the research entity becomes a university research institute under the denomination University Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Oral Implantology – UIRMI (UPV / EHU – Eduardo Anitua Foundation).

Eduardo Anitua y Nekane Balluerka sellan el acuerdo entre la Fundación y la UPV/EHU

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